Health Benefits On Steam

A Healthy Way to Cook

contessaHealthy eating is not just about what you eat, but how you cook it. Next to a diet of raw foods, studies have shown that cooking with steam is one of the smartest, most nutritious approaches to healthy eating.

Tried and True

Steam is one of the oldest cooking methods known to man, and dates back to before the discovery of fire. By using natural stones warmed by a hot spring, our ancestors were able to warm and soften fish, fruits, and vegetables. Steam cooking has been used by the Chinese for centuries, and has changed very little despite all our scientific discoveries and creative innovations.

Better for the Food

Cooking with steam has many advantages. Since the food never comes in direct contact with water, its vital nutrients are not lost in the cooking process. The food’s natural form, flavors, aromas, and colors are preserved. A steamed meal’s calories are minimized, with cooking oils and other add-ons being unnecessary. Temperature is kept under 212 degrees Fahrenheit, the ideal temperature for preserving the food’s natural raw properties.

Better for the Body

Medically speaking, steam-cooked food helps to minimize weight gain and prevent heart problems that are often associated with the typical American diet. The immune system strengthens, overall energy increases, and the quality of hair, skin, and nails is likely to improve as the result of the higher level of vitamins. For those of us over 40, steam cooking is an ideal way to prevent heart disease, bring our cholesterol down, and avoid ulcers. For children, steam cooking is a perfect way to keep their weight in check during their formative years.

Better for your Schedule

Steam cooking is also convenient, providing a great option for people pressed for time. Little effort is involved in the actual process, and the food can cook while you’re busy with other things, such as setting the table, doing dishes, or even watching television.